Evidence of how America's two parties are both wide-ranging and all about getting votes comes in many forms. One example that the Time article we read shows very clearly is the "don't ask don't tell" philosophy Republicans have about their gay members and office holders.
despite the fact there are probably countless gay Republicans, Cheney's daughter came out of the closet, and the whole Foley thing- there are repeated attacks, legislation, and gay marriage issues on ballots. Why? Well, mobilizing strong partisan voters on the right means going for the religious.
This trend also speaks volumes about the importance of voter mobilization. It's about keeping that good taste in their mouths, or having it be so bitter toward the other side.
Don't worry about pages, or concern yourself with gay members. The article brings up a great example about how the Democratic party tried to have southern segregationists and northern civil rights activists at the same time.
"There has been no institutional rule, means, norm or tradition that cannot be set aside to advance a partisan political goal," How awesome is the motivation of winning elections? -political scientist Thomas Mann
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