The activity in class made me realize a lot of things about myself. I have a hard time biting my tongue, and that's exactly what you have to do at opportune times when creating a party, or even campaigning with or for one. This system of government and parties in America is set up for the middle, tongue-biters if you will. Although Hollywood and extremes in the media are able to express this and that about George So and So, the failing war in wherever, or gay people (who are really just straight people choosing to be discriminated against), the system encourages middle-of-the-road behavior.
It's the two party system that will get you everytime. When we sat down to talk about a party, we had to primarily talk about appeal, about winning, about vote getting, and only pissing less than half off. This was very hard. I felt the desire to talk about what kinds of things should be in platform or ideals I have for politics. I felt like I slowed down the process because of personal inhibitions. In party formation, it's interesting that many issues can only be sprinkles on the top of a cake that is made up of vote-getting appeal.
Kudos, Professor Tofias, because I appreciate the two respective parties more now than I did before. I don't like them more by any means, but understand what they are trying to do within the system they are given. I guess that is what any individual has to do in this country; understand the system in which they are placed and screw with the system before it screws with you.
If I ever ran for office, I would have to bite my tongue more and articulate inhibitions less. But until then, I will have other more binding systems to not be screwed by.
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